Off Topic Posts

SOFTEC2012 – Soft Skills in Test Management

“Soft Skills in Test Management” was the tutorial I attended on the third day of Software Testing Conference (SOFTEC2012). This tutorial was done by Graham Bath and it was really interesting. It went so smooth with a variety of so beneficial information about the topic. Many thanks to Graham for that. In this post, I would like to share a summary about this tutorial. Please feel free to contact me in order to discuss and learn more about these soft skills. (more…)

Testing Quote of the Week 15

“Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you are as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?” ~ Brian Kernighan

Get More Done


Yesterday, I saw a video on YouTube by Randy Gage on how to be more productive and get more done. Randy summarizes this in four points: (more…)

Testing Quote of the Week 14

When to Stop Testing?

“Testing should continue as long as the costs of finding and correcting a defect are lower than the costs of failure in operation.” ~ Koomen, Pol



SOFTEC2012 – Effective Test Metrics Workshop

 “Effective Test Metrics” was one of the wonderful workshops I attended during Software Testing Conference (SOFTEC2012). The workshop was by John Fodeh and I really enjoyed it and learned a lot from it.

John talked about three main points in his workshop: (more…)