Testing Posts

Working EXTRA Hours

 Frequently, I see and hear that many friends stay up to late at work. To be honest, I was doing that for the first two years at work. However, I quit that behaviour in 2008 after I thought about it. One of the things I found is that once you have good time management, you will be able to finish all your tasks on time or even before the deadlines (of course the deadlines should be reasonable too). (more…)

Testing Quote of the Week 7

“In risk based testing, it is more important to have the right people involved than it is to follow the process exactly right.” ~ Rex Black

KFC Principle

When reading KFC in the title, I am sure that many people will directly think about the famous corporation, KFC, which is the  popular chicken restaurant chain. Unfortunately, I did not mean that. I am sorry if you – the reader – started to feel hungry by thinking of KFC and the various types of meals provided there!!! (more…)

Testing Vs. Validation

Since the first time I joined a software testing training in 2010, I wondered to see some colleagues having a job tile which got “Testing” word in it. That time, my job title at work was Software Engineer although I was already the leader of software testing team. After that, I was able to meet some software testing experts at Software Testing Conference (SOFTEC2010) and it was the same story. The word “Testing” shows on the business cards of those experts. (more…)

Body Language


Body language is defined as a form of mental and physical ability of human non-verbal communication, which consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals almost entirely subconsciously [wikipedia]. It is very important when doing a presentation or while communicating in general. (more…)