Testing Posts

The Blame Game

Several times and as a leader of software testing team, I hear the blame on testing team. But recently this blame was really different. It was not blaming testing team about missed bugs. However, it was blaming the team because of the bugs we found during the test!!! (more…)

Testing Quote of the Week 9

“There are obvious variables that are inputs and outputs, there are also subtle variables (or hidden variable) that are not directly visible to us but are visible only for their effects to the output variables.” ~ Dale Emery

Be Positive

I was conducting a training this week when the discussion with attendees led me to say one fact about my blood type which is “Be Positive”. (more…)

Testing Quote of the Week 8

“In some situations, the most important objective of testing is to find as many important bugs as possible. In other situations, finding bugs is not important at all. In yet other situations, bug-finding is only one of a number of important objectives. The wise test professional knows which situation she is in.” ~ Rex Black